

As entire industries, governments, businesses, and organizations across all sectors embrace the transformative power of the digital economy; new challenges and opportunities have arisen. A business may have an amazing product or service they wish to promote but a poorly planned customer experience journey can easily create barriers to success. At ccc we are committed to identifying and solving the challenges that can rise. By working with our experienced and talented teams, customers can realize improved efficiency and productivity, enjoy greater engagement and lower overall costs.

ccc by stc offers customized and niche solutions to various industries focused on productivity enhancements and cost reduction. We facilitate collaboration between human intelligence and digital solutions to provide the best value value-based delivery models, thereby enhancing customer loyalty and brand focus through people, process and technology integrations

Our solution offerings ccc’s solutions are custom made for various industries to enable the best outcome outcome-based service delivery and innovation driven operations


Policymakers are today faced with a multitude of pressing demands from citizen needs, climate change, the wider global economy to migrating populations and much more.

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Healthcare has never been more important than it is today. As such the sector continues to enjoy sustained growth in the region and globally.

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With digital and Artificial Intelligence (AI) interventions, retail has undergone a revolution in the way the sector interacts with consumers, and there is a pressing need to provide high-quality experiences to the sector.

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Online based transactions have become ubiquitous due to the pandemic, and we have seen its introduction on multiple new industries moving towards the E-commerce model to attract and retain customers.

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Banking and Financial sector consumer support is a niche area due to the Kingdom’s regulations and control of the sector. Explore how ccc by stc serves the needs of this market.

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Travel, Tourism and Hospitality

A sector that is high in customer touch points – every interaction results in revenue and has high visibility across social media – hence, providing timely and accurate service is critical.

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Energy and Utilities

The digital era has changed the way Energy and Utilities operate today and into the future. Greater demand from consumers mean more investments are required into digitization, tools and availability of communication channels.

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The pace of advancements within the telecom sector has been rapid in recent years with many new pathways for growth now open. A sector which enjoys its prominence due to increasing demand from consumers as well as enterprises resulting in ever evolving competition on a daily basis.

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Information Technology evolves too quickly and in many different ways making it difficult and complex to track trends. Therefore, it is essential service providers are always in a state of readiness to adapt and change based on the needs of the market to be successful.

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